Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alkaline Diet - Approved for Weight Loss?

The alkaline diet has gained many adherents who see it as an effective way to lose weight. In addition, the alkaline diet is popular among people who want to increase their energy level or just feel better. In this article, I want to talk about three of the most important benefits of the alkaline diet.

First, let's talk about the alkaline diet and weight loss. With levels of obesity reaching epidemic levels in many countries, many people want to know if the alkaline diet can help them lose weight. The answer is yes, but not for the reason claimed by many self-proclaimed alkaline diet experts. These people claim that your body stores fat to protect itself from overacidity, and that by following the alkaline diet, your body will automatically relinquish its fat stores, which will no be longer needed.

This is an ingenious theory, but the fact is that there is only one way to lose weight: Eat the fewer calories than you burn through exercise and metabolic activity. the good news is that the alkaline diet will help you to achieve this goal, because in most cases, alkaline foods contain fewer calories than the foods that make up most conventional diets.

Second, let's talk about energy. This is a big concern for many people, who turned to energy drinks and other artificial stimulants in an effort to keep up with the fast pace of modern life. Again, the alkaline diet can help. When you eat alkalizing whole foods, your body will have plenty of the nutrients it needs to function optimally. In turn, that means that you'll feel better and have more energy for work and play.

Third, the alkaline diet can help promote successful aging by preserving your bone and muscle tissue against the assaults of acid.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alkaline Diet Myths Debunked

The alkaline diet has become quite popular, but it is still not as well known as the low-carb diet. I believe this is a shame, because the alkaline diet can deliver lasting weight loss without the unpleasant side effects and health risks associated with low-carb diet. The relative obscurity of the alkaline diet has caused some people to buy into certain myths about this way of eating. I want to do my part to promote accurate information about the alkaline diet by debunking these myths.

First, many people believe that the alkaline diet means that you have to give up all acidifying foods. However, this is not the case. The point of the alkaline diet is not to make your body is outlined as possible, but simply to achieve the perfect balance between acid and alkaline elements. For most people, this will mean eating more alkaline foods and fewer acidifying ones, but this is not the same as saying that you must give up all acid-forming foods.

Second, some people think that you must be a vegan or a vegetarian to succeed on the alkaline diet. Actually, it is true that avoiding animal products makes it easier to achieve a proper acid-alkaline balance. Most people who are new to the alkaline diet will need to reduce the amount of meat and dairy that they consume. It is simply impossible to achieve an optimal acid-alkaline balance while eating huge quantities of animal products. But this does not mean that you must give up these foods altogether on the alkaline diet.

As with many areas of health, the key is to achieve a proper balance between different elements. It is a principle found in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical traditions, and the alkaline diet adheres to the same principle.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Alkaline Diet - Is It Too Extreme?

The alkaline diet has recently become quite popular. However, many people who could benefit from the alkaline diet sadly miss out on those benefits because they believe that it will force them to give up all the foods they enjoy.

It's easy to see where this alkaline diet myth comes from. Like many myths, it contains a grain of truth. Succeeding on the alkaline diet will require some changes in how you eat, especially if you currently need a lot of junk food and animal products. However, this doesn't mean that the alkaline diet will require you to eat nothing but lettuce and brown rice.

Adapting successfully to the alkaline diet requires a bit of creativity and willingness to be flexible. It is possible to create delicious meals, snacks, and desserts using a wide variety of healthy and alkalizing vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts and seeds.

Also, it is not true that you need to give up all acidifying foods in order to have an alkaline diet. The goal of the alkaline diet isn't to be as alkaline as possible. Instead, the goal is to achieve the optimal acid alkaline balance. For most people, this will mean moving closer to an alkaline diet. Most people eat a diet that is heavily oriented toward acid forming foods, including meat, dairy, processed grains, and sugar. But this does not mean that you must give up all acidifying foods to have an alkaline diet.

What I advise people is to focus on the "big wins" rather than the minor details. For example, it's much more important to cut your consumption of meat down to size tend to worry about whether prunes or figs are acidifying. In other words, focus your efforts where they'll get the most results, and you'll reap the rewards.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Alkaline Diet Promotes Bone Health

Recently, the alkaline diet has been gaining in popularity. Many people are turning to the alkaline diet in an attempt to lose weight. Others hope to increase their energy level, prevent osteoporosis, generally improve how they feel.

Today, I want to talk about the alkaline diet and osteoporosis. Many different kinds of been made, but the link between an alkaline diet and bone health is one of the strongest.

Why would your body break down bone? It seems perverse, considering how important your bone is. But when your body becomes too acidic, it reacts by drawing alkaline minerals from your bones and other tissues. If you are following an alkaline diet, your body can quickly replace the minerals that have been removed. This is because the alkaline diet is naturally rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other alkalizing minerals.

But what if you don't eat an alkaline diet? In this case, the process of bone and the mineralization can continue unchecked for years and years. In fact, this is the "normal" state of bone health in the United States and other developed countries. One result is an epidemic of osteoporosis.

Fortunately, by following alkaline diet, you can slow down bone loss, or even reverse it. There are two reasons that the diet has this beneficial effect. The first is that it supplies plenty of minerals, which your body uses to rebuild bone tissue. Second, the alkaline diet reduces the rate at which your bones are broken down by limiting the amount of acid in your system. When your body produces less acid as a result of dietary imbalances, there is less need for minerals to buffer that acid so that it does not damage delicate tissues and organs. The result is that the alkaline diet leads to improved bone health.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alkaline Diet: Hope or Hype?

The alkaline diet is quickly becoming a popular dietary approach for people who want to lose weight. In addition, the alkaline diet plan appeals to people who want to increase energy and overcome chronic health problems. But is the alkaline diet really all it's cracked up to be?

Hello, my name is Kate, and today I want to talk about some of the benefits of the alkaline diet. To begin with, the alkaline diet emphasizes foods that are high in fiber, but low in calories -- and that means that the alkaline diet is exactly how you want to eat to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

A second benefit is that eating plenty of alkalizing foods gives your body the ingredients it needs for healthy energy. The alkaline diet generally emphasizes whole foods which are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. These substances are absorbed slowly by the body, giving stable, long-lasting energy. In addition, this type of diet creates a healthy acid-alkaline balance, which in turn helps your cellular energy factories to function optimally.

Thirdly, the alkaline diet can help to prevent some of the unpleasant side effects of aging, including bone loss and muscle wasting. When your body becomes too acidic, it tries to restore proper acid alkaline balance by pulling out alkalizing minerals from your bone and muscle tissue. But when you eat a properly balance diet, your body is naturally in balance. By following the alkaline diet, you simultaneously give your body plenty of minerals, and also help it to keep those minerals inside your body where they belong, rather than avoiding them with your urine.

In conclusion, the alkaline diet is an effective approach for weight loss. This nutritional approach can also help you to gain energy and prevent many chronic health problems.