Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alkaline Diet: Hope or Hype?

The alkaline diet is quickly becoming a popular dietary approach for people who want to lose weight. In addition, the alkaline diet plan appeals to people who want to increase energy and overcome chronic health problems. But is the alkaline diet really all it's cracked up to be?

Hello, my name is Kate, and today I want to talk about some of the benefits of the alkaline diet. To begin with, the alkaline diet emphasizes foods that are high in fiber, but low in calories -- and that means that the alkaline diet is exactly how you want to eat to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

A second benefit is that eating plenty of alkalizing foods gives your body the ingredients it needs for healthy energy. The alkaline diet generally emphasizes whole foods which are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. These substances are absorbed slowly by the body, giving stable, long-lasting energy. In addition, this type of diet creates a healthy acid-alkaline balance, which in turn helps your cellular energy factories to function optimally.

Thirdly, the alkaline diet can help to prevent some of the unpleasant side effects of aging, including bone loss and muscle wasting. When your body becomes too acidic, it tries to restore proper acid alkaline balance by pulling out alkalizing minerals from your bone and muscle tissue. But when you eat a properly balance diet, your body is naturally in balance. By following the alkaline diet, you simultaneously give your body plenty of minerals, and also help it to keep those minerals inside your body where they belong, rather than avoiding them with your urine.

In conclusion, the alkaline diet is an effective approach for weight loss. This nutritional approach can also help you to gain energy and prevent many chronic health problems.

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