Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alkaline Diet Myths Debunked

The alkaline diet has become quite popular, but it is still not as well known as the low-carb diet. I believe this is a shame, because the alkaline diet can deliver lasting weight loss without the unpleasant side effects and health risks associated with low-carb diet. The relative obscurity of the alkaline diet has caused some people to buy into certain myths about this way of eating. I want to do my part to promote accurate information about the alkaline diet by debunking these myths.

First, many people believe that the alkaline diet means that you have to give up all acidifying foods. However, this is not the case. The point of the alkaline diet is not to make your body is outlined as possible, but simply to achieve the perfect balance between acid and alkaline elements. For most people, this will mean eating more alkaline foods and fewer acidifying ones, but this is not the same as saying that you must give up all acid-forming foods.

Second, some people think that you must be a vegan or a vegetarian to succeed on the alkaline diet. Actually, it is true that avoiding animal products makes it easier to achieve a proper acid-alkaline balance. Most people who are new to the alkaline diet will need to reduce the amount of meat and dairy that they consume. It is simply impossible to achieve an optimal acid-alkaline balance while eating huge quantities of animal products. But this does not mean that you must give up these foods altogether on the alkaline diet.

As with many areas of health, the key is to achieve a proper balance between different elements. It is a principle found in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical traditions, and the alkaline diet adheres to the same principle.

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